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No input/output Audio Devices

MacBook 13" Unibody (Model A1342) Mid 2010 , Mac OS X (10.6.8)

The sound suddenly stopped. On System Preferences, on Audio, it shows the sound as muted and doesn't allow me to unmute it. System Profiler shows Audio (Built-in): Intel High Definition Audio: Audio ID - 0, no input/output Audio Devices. I fixed the hard drive access permission , did the reset for both pram and smc several times and finally installed a clear copy of mac OS after deleting the HD, but unfortunately ended with no success. Do you think it is a hardware related problem? How do I fix this?

 Thank you in advance.

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Hello Mary, Apparently Apple has a problem with the 10.6.8 update having to do with audio. I am including a link to a discussion on the subject. Hope this helps you.


Including a link to the support page also.


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Thank you for your reply. I installed the update and restarted the computer but with no luck. The advanced hardware test i run shows no errors!!!Do you have other suggestions? thanks

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