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Model M6497 or A1005 / 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900 MHz G3 processor

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DC-in board from G4 to replace a broken G3 DC-in board.


A broken DC-in board from an ibook G3 12" 800Mhz needs replacement.

I have a spare DC-in board from an ibook G4 14".

The logic board connectors are not compatible.

Can I strip the wires to transplant the G3 board connector to the G4 Dc-in board and use it as a replacement?

I know that I still have to figure how to secure the G4 Dc-in board inside the G3 since the screws are not located in the same configuration and the "tip module" is inverted. I'm pretty sure I can figure out that one, my concern is with the voltage output to the CPU.

Will the G4 14" Dc-in board output fry the G3 12"?


PS: Soldering is not an option for me, yet...will learn how to soon!

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Sooo...nada so far.

It's okay, I'll "MacGyver" this one and post the outcome here.

The plan is to transplant as suggested in the original post above.

Stay tuned!



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Are you really going to risk destroying your machine by MacGyvering a $1.00 part? http://www.gainsaver.com/Catalog/Detail....

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Оценка 3

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Hi mayer. It was one of those things that I wanted to do because it is unknown if it could work...I wanted to boldly go where no one has gone befo...anyway, DO NOT DO IT! The cables are way too thin to strip and reconnect.

BTW thanks for the gainsaver.com link, I might get it if the logic board connector is included.



UPDATE Hi mayer, I contacted gainsaver.com and much to my surprise, and disappointment, they sell the dc in board without the logic board connector ribbon, thus the $1 price. Regardless, thank you for the tip. Cheers!


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