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2.26 or 2.4 GHz / White plastic unibody enclosure

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High temperature after 3 years of use

It's not a mystery that large amounts of dust are being accumulated inside the fan, the heat sink and the rear vent.

That said, I want to point out that now my MacBook is working at 65-70ºC with the fan at +4000 RPM with normal use (iTunes, internet, Mail or Microsoft Office), until 1 year ago it usually was at 50-55ºC @ 2000-2800 RPM. with normal use, I can't even just play a game or encode a video, it goes up to 97ºC with the fan at 6000rpm and it freezes, from being working at 70ºC @4000RPM one year ago.

Is this just dust or is something else happening here? How am I supposed to know? I ask because if it's worth it to open the laptop, take out the heat sink and etc. I really don't know how to clean it all up...

Thanks in advance!

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That's perfectly normal and in my opinion it's tottaly worth it. Take a step by step guide open your pc clean the vents, the fan and change the thermal paste in cpu and grahic card. I had the same problem with my laptop.

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Really? How much did the heat drop? I'll give it a try !


Doing a good cleaning and refreshing the thermo grease should bring it back to the original heat levels.


My laptop was working at 95 celcius before cleaning it up and with a good cleaning it was working at 70 degrees celcius


I did it ! it's unbelievably cooler now!


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A word of caution here: Make sure to use proper ESD protection (wrist strap and mat) so you don't damage your system with static electricity.

Get a few cans of compressed air and use them in short blasts to remove the dust make sure you don't let the liquid spray out. Use a soft artist painter brush to scrub the fan & head sink parts and gently dust the logic boards being careful not to snag any components pulling them off and re-spray the areas with the can'ed air.

Use an egg carton to hold the small screws and parts, mark the carton bins on what the screws held so you don't mess up when you put things back.

Take your time and don't force things!

Before you start get a good thermo grease (enough to do two chips) and don't forget a small bottle of Goo-Off or other cleaner to clean the heat sink and chips (and you) of the old grease buildup after scraping off as much as possible (use a wood or plastic scrapper).

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