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How to transfer of vibrator, metal backing, and silent/ring switch...

I purchased the iPhone 3G Headphone Jack Assembly. How to I transfer the vibrator, metal backing, and silent/ring switch assembly?

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Hello! There should be some paper covering adhesive strips on the replacement part (the white strips with tabs in your link). If you pull out your headphone jack assembly from your phone and place it next to the replacement part, you will see the piece that need to be gently pried off with a spudger and adhered to the new part (remove the paper to access the adhesive).

Thanks for calling this to our attention. We will keep this in mind and see if the number of similar questions warrants a guide edit :)

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Please be a little more specific with your question. What are you transferring from/to?

You can take a look at the iPhone Guides to see if they help

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My head phone jack died so I purchased the iPhone 3G Headphone Jack Assembly: http://snipurl.com/tkev4

I followed the guide and it was very easy to disassemble. In the description for the part it says "NOTE: This replacement part may require the transfer of vibrator, metal backing, and silent/ring switch assembly. This can easily be done with a spudger and adhesive included on replacement part."

I have no idea how to do this and it actually doesn't appear possible. The guide doesn't have any information on how to perform this last and most critical step.

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i have a Fitbit ionic and the vibration function is not working. it dose not alert me of alarms or emails. I have tried forcing reboot, and other things I have been told to do but nothing is working do I need to have it repaired? and were do I go



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brusso будет вечно благодарен.
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