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Accidentally short circuited logic board.

I was trying to remove the battery, but I was using a metal screwdriver and think I accidentally short circuited the logic board.

I saw some sparks while trying to remove the battery connector. Now the computer won't turn on.

Any help would be appreciated, since this is not my computer, I was just helping a friend replacing the keyboard.

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The odds are very good that you've fried the logic board. Now the question is what was wrong with it in the first place? Why did you think you could just replace the keyboard when this part only comes as an entire upper case?

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In fact I was replacing (and successfully replaced it) the upper case (keyboard included). My friend had spilled a cup of milk onto it.

Finally I managed to turn on the Mac. But now it wouldn't recognize the battery.

Any ideas on how to test the battery?


Test the battery in another machine and use Coconut Battery to check it: http://www.coconut-flavour.com


I just put on a new battery, but it still shows not battery installed.


Start up from your system installation disk and hold down the "D" key to run diagnostics. Let us know your results. Thanks


I ran the diagnostic and this is the result: 4SNS/1/C0000008: TN1D--124.


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Angel Nunez, I am not a Mac person, just a person that enjoys hardware of any kind. Now with that said, how well are you in testing circuits, SMD components and soldering very small components? The reason why I ask is, because that is where this may just be going. The very first thing, besides all the things that mayer (a real Mac expert) already suggested, is to check the fuse F7000 (7Amp). It protects the power and battery circuit. After that check the Zener Diodes D6950, located just above your battery connector. If you post an image of your logic board, I can mark those components for you. This may just be strictly academics, since this would be a board level repair and it is very tricky to accomplish.

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Posted the image already.


I am sorry, but I do not see any image anywhere. 4SNS/1/C0000008: TN1D--124 means you have a defective sensor on the motherboard.


Hi oldturkey03 ,

I did the exactly the same HD is running rest is dead (incl fans wont spin)

Can it be that the short circuit puts the logic board in a protection mode since macbook pro (2011) tends to do that somethimes? Is there a way to reset to default or fire it up again somehow ?


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