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Repair guides for the variations of the Compaq Presario CQ62 laptop. This brand was manufactured from 1993 to 2013, and was owned by HP from 2002 to 2013.

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cq60 display whites out

tried the fix, still whites out after opening up past 80 degrees. gets better after it warms up a little, but still whites out about 100 degrees (angle not temp)

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for me its whites complete!!



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Выбранное решение

Tim List, I suppose you are talking about a Compaq Presario CQ60 Notebook. This could be caused by a shortened or broken LVDS cable. You did not tell us which "fix" you tried. You can download the service manual from here. Hope this helps, good luck.

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I don't know my password I need help with it please

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Compact Presario CQ62 laptop

And my can't get the monitor to show up it turns on but stays black I even try ed to hook it up on my hdmi tv and still nothing is it the video card going out or do I need a new mother board my email is dustin_ellis_39@yahoo.com plz email me as soon as u can thank u

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