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Trackpad stopped working after upper case replacement

Hi, I just replaced an upper case on a macbook 13in Mid 2010 and now even tho the trackpad works fine and click works with tapping, I cannot make the lower corner click.

The manual specifies a way to adjust the trackpad with the screw in the middle of the lower corners but if I make it thight or loose it still does not work. I try to understand whats making the click working in normal condition so I can get a better understanding of why this one is not working.

To my knowledge the click was working before the upper case replacement

Thanks for any input

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It's the old trackpad I migrate from the old to the new. I really tried to center it but I'll try again and post back


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Выбранное решение

More than likely the trackpad is not centered therefore not clicking (on the lower corner as you said)

If you take out the battery, and look underneath the trackpad there are a few screws you can loosen up (they're close to the keyboard side).

Loosen them up, line up the trackpad centered (not closer to one side - HAS to be centered - Closer to the top is acceptable just watch the gaps)

and then it should work.

did you swap your old trackpad onto the new topcase or did the topcase come with a trackpad?

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Don't try this at home but here's what I did.

I removed the battery (again) and lossen the screws securing the trackpad. I try to get it in the center as best as I could and then I loosen the adjustment screw. I turn on the macbook and then try the click button. While thighting the adjusting screw, I tested the click and then I got it to work. I tighten the position screw, turn off the laptop, put everything back together and it still works.


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