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The Samsung Chromebook XE303C12-A01US laptop features an 11.6" screen and a 16 GB SSD hard drive. This small notebook computer allows for easy access to the Internet and can run various web apps.

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Is it possible to replace the screen?

My chromebook screen is broken, it's got a massive black spot (1" across) and the screen is covered in random lines. I can only assume it took a hit but the case is undamaged. Any idea if it would be possible to replace, and if so where I could get the replacement screen?

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Just out of curiosity, have you checked to see if you get this done under warranty? It is a pretty new device and I am sure it should still be covered.


how would you know if it was under warranty


I have the exact same problem mines about 2 years old and i use it pretty frequently


I just did this. Took all of five minutes. Bought screen from Amazon for $37. Really easy.


Check out screensurgeons.com for videos that will step you through the process. Quick and easy.


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I was searching to replace the panel with a better one, and I found a video on youtube:


It is made by some guys who also sell the panel.

The panel datasheet is available on the Internet, though (just google it).


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These screens can easily be found on eBay and Amazon.

For the US Chromebook for example, I searched for the model number and LCD replacement like this "XE303C12 LCD replacement" on the Google. Found a new screen with Prime shipping on Amazon for about $45.00 US.

Install was as described in the other answer, but I did run into a small amount of adhesive tape on the bottom of my already broken screen and the bezel. I was not to worried about it but it took a little more force than I expected to get the bezel removed.

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yessss i saw that and thats what i am going to do . Good in fo thanks


Thanks i now get another but it costs $60 yep --> $60 <--


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I work for a school and we have about 120 of these. The kids break the screens all the time so I've replaced about 20 of them. Its super easy, follow the youtube video above and order the screens from Amazon. The only things to be careful for: (1) cheap replacement screens can are just that; cheap. I have learned the hard way to only buy from VIV tech as I have been burned with crappy screen that don't fit right from other companies. (2) take a look at your old screen before buying. Some Samsung replacement screens have side mounting brackets and others have top mounting brackets. Make sure you order the one that fits yours.

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What is VIV tech - the only references I found had nothing to do with dealing in parts for Chromebooks and laptops Thanks


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No its not under warranty unless you paid extra. Mine is 45 days old and was sent to a HP Centers . 260 ..00s . It s a design flaw and should of been under warranty as i had lines going across first then by inspection it around the edges it cracked .

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They are sending it back to me


so i can fix it for less .


i have broke my screen how much would it be to repair the screen for a chromebook samsung


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I found the Samsung warranty to be worthless. They falsely claimed water damage, but I bought it in a dry, sealed box, and it was never near water. Fortunately, Wal-Mart's extended warranty fixed it, even though the Samsung warranty should have. My LAST Samsung product!

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