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Repair guides and support for gas, electric, and human powered machines used to cut grass, whether push style, or ride-on.

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Loss of power when blades engage

I have an old Craftsman Zero Turn lawn mower. It was running good until it was parked on an incline. Now its blowing out white smoke and when the blade is engaged it runs maybe 1 mile an hour. We have changed the spark plugs, cleaned the carburetor, changed the oil and fuel filter. It will run fast and then bog down slow, then pick up some power and then bog down again slow. It will eventually die out and have to be restarted. It runs with speed until the blades are engaged.

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Hi gail 823, in regard to the unit of the blades: Are all of the deck spindles and the belt turning/running free? In regard to the white smoke: Is the gas old or is there water in the gas?


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If the air filter is clogged, it will pull oil from the crankcase into the cylinders and blow white smoke. Try changing your air filter.

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