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How do I tell if this iPod even works?

I found a HEAVILY damaged iPod that I want to try fixing but I don't want to buy all the parts if I can't fix it. The device is missing the digitizer, LCD, and battery. If I get a battery for it and solder it in can I simply connect it to an iTunes PC and wait to see if it boots and is recognized?

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added a battery. won't boot. dock connector may be the issue. how do I test it?


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yes buy a battery and if itunes recognizes it should be alright.

as long as there is nothing missing from the motherboard or anything


keep me post on the progress


Your best bet is to take to professional I recommend computer rooms Nottingham go check them out online. They also take international post aswel from what I see there the best. Best of luck .

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Thank you sir, I'll order a battery and hope this thing works


OK I got a battery and soldered it up, plugged it in and waited... nothin

where do I go now? anything I can check to find what's wrong? If I accidentally bridged the terminals for just a second during soldering would it have destroyed the board? the dock connector also happens to be fairly difficult to plug a cable into.


ordered a new dock, desoldered the old one flawlessly


UPDATE: IT WORKS!!! I got my LCD in the mail and used an old broken digitizer I had from a different repair and it works perfectly! I'm still waiting on my new digitizer, dock connecter, and backplate. I do have one issue though; the home button spring appears to be missing... I have heard some people had success soldering a spring from a cheap pen cut down to size onto it?


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