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CDMA версия четвертого поколения iPhone. Ремонт прост, но дисплей должен быть заменен в сборе с сенсорным стеклом. 16 или 32 ГБ памяти / Модель A1349 / Cовместимость с CDMA.

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Can I add a sim card slot to the iPhone 4 CDMA?

Hi, my friend gave me his old iphone 4, but it's on verizon, and I am on T-Mobile, so I was wondering if I can access the iphone's internals and create a sim card slot. I don't really care about looks, I can hide it in a case, I just want to upgrade from my crappy LG. Any help is appreciated.

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You are trying to compare Apples and Oranges. One is a CDMA phone (Verizon) while the other one (AT&T, T-Mobile) is a GSM phone. They do have different hardware. So it is not as easy as cutting a slot in the case, the SIM card reader will have to be connected to something that is not supported by the CDMA version.


Contact T-Mobile they can assist you with a CDMA account now.


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I don't think your idea would be possible - IIRC the case has significant differences compared to the GSM model so trying to shoe horn a GSM board etc into the case will likely not work.

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But couldn't I just add it onto the back with tape and cover it up with say a case?


No. You are talking completely different phones in somewhat similar cases.


is iphone 4 cdma has sim card built in on the back? can i change that built in sim?


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No you couldn't

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alot of difference between the iphone 4s cdma and iphone 4s gsm inside the board and cdma iphone 4s do not work in other country with out of usa and many other country of europ''

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I have iphone 4 cdma phone is problem in sim tray

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I have the same issue, I am on Mint and my iPhone 4 is stuck on Verizon for all eternity. After trying so hard, I deduced I should just buy a GSM iPhone 4 for about $60 on Amazon with a SIM slot

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