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First-generation Apple iPad with Wi-Fi, available with 16, 32, or 64 GB. Model Number A1219. Repairs are straightforward and do not require heat.

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Locate home button connector on circuit board,

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I have the ipad 4 all prepped for assembly. The home button ribbon was damaged, ordered and received replacement. I can not locate the home button ribbon connection on the circuit board. The board has the connector for the wifi, the plug in power connector for the charger, and the 6 pin connector. click on images to enlarge......

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wantobea7, use this guide Adding images to an existing answer to add the images.


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Hi !

Here is a full guide explaining to you how to replace the home button on an iPad 4.

Hoping to have helped you !


iPad Wi-Fi Home Button Switch Replacement

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This does not match my board at all can I upload a photo and you can show where the ribbon connects?


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wantobea7 будет вечно благодарен.
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