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An easy to use home Espresso machine created by Saeco and rebranded for Starbucks. This machine is excellent for every day espresso drinkers and has an excellent build and product life.

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Why is there no flow through the portafilter?

Love my barista ( about 8years old) use daily. The expresso is not flowing through the portafilter. Sounds like it has pressure then it quiets and no flow of expresso. Could this be my portafilter because the water flows without the portafilter.

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Does water flow through the portafilter with no coffee in it? If so, it could be that your coffee is ground too fine or tamped too hard (if you're tamping at all). There's a chance that your pump is failing but this is very rare.

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I had a similar issue. I found if I moved the portafilter to the right and held it there, it would flow well, if not the pressure would mount and would not flow.

Check your springs in your portafiler, and take it apart to clean it a bit.

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It's happened to me exactly..I did what the other reply said cleaned the portafilla out and found the pin hole blocked solid, ran through some descaler and it works fantastic!

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