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The Dell Inspiron 15 (N5050) is a mid-sized laptop manufactured by Dell, Inc. that operates on Windows 7. The laptop features include a WLED HD display screen and a max supported memory of 8 GB.

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My dvd drive was not working can I replace it

my dvd drive was not working offcourse cd drive was working.so please suggest me how to repair it.

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anusha, this could be caused by misaligned/dirty lasers or bad diodes. You could try and clean the drive with some commercially available lens cleaner. If that dos not work, you may have to replace the drive. To see how to replace the optical drive, use this guide. Hope this helps, good luck.

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You can open the CD rom tray and use a alcohol swab or use perfume on some non static sponge to carefully clean the lens. Hopefully your Rom shall start working if not then you might need to replace it. Thanks

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anusha будет вечно благодарен.
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