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The LN46A530 has a 46" display, combined with SRS TruSurround XT. The PC input allows this display to double as a 46" computer monitor

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Picture shows as negative

Does anyone know where I can acquire a service/repair manual for this tv... LN46A530P1FXZA?

Need disassembly sequence & diagnostic techniques

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tony, just added a device page. Click on the text above the picture, that will take you to this page. Scroll all the way down to Service Documents. Click on each one of the file names, that is the service manual. You will need both parts. Always remember that when looking for manuals, most of them are listed by chassis, not by model numbers. Hope this helps, good luck.

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WOW This is just what I needed. Thanks a bunch!


you are welcome, best of luck to you. Don't forget to make a guide when you do your repair:-)) and post it for all of us.


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I have just fixed the same model. The symptom was a "washout" image on the screen. I replaced TCON board with a used one bought from an Internet vendor. It didn't work. I tried to buy a new board with no success. Finally, I bought a repair ticket from ShopJimmy to have the board repaired. That worked.

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tony будет вечно благодарен.
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