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How can I replace the keyboard?

I have received the keyboard from China and I was curious if there is a guide to replace the keyboard? I was afraid to get into it without knowledge of the Upper Case. Tear Down is great here, but it just goes that far. Anyone?

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Hi there. Welcome! You can use the MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Upper Case Replacement guide to replace the upper case, which includes the keyboard. Best of luck!

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Walter - Is it possible for the team to create a top case keyboard repair guide between the three different top cases across the different models (side by side) and can you supply the keyboard assemblies alone Vs the full top case?


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Thank you for your answer. However, it just goes down to the trackpad, not the keyboard. Thanks though, I could use this guide, anyway, :-)

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That, would be very nice to have.

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Hi. Did you manage to replace the keyboard alone, or was it necessary to replace the whole upper case?

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I haven't done anything--Thought there might be a guide for top case repair, but nothing yet.

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