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The TSA dropped my computer... now what?

What are some signs to look for that my computer has been damaged aside from the dent, the bent screen, and the stress fracture on the bottom case?

I ran disk utility and it failed, but repaired. Now I am starting to see some lines across the screen and it locked up once, but no SWOD.

Maybe I am answering my own question here. I already filed a claim and the Supervisors were very helpful.

How else can I check for damage?



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What were you doing flying commercial when you've got such an incredible avatar?


Well I get to use it, but not whenever I want to.


Update: No responce on the first claim. Apparently, the supervisor dropped the ball on it. Filed again, on 5/9 this time with instructions from the TSA website. Got a call today about it and all my ducks were in a row, so the agent this time said I would be contacted my mail in 3 to 6 weeks with a decision about fixing it.


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I would run the Apple Hardware Test for your machine for a thorough checkout. Good luck Ralph


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If the drive and the screen are fine you were luckie. If your screen dies after some time check for a loose inverter cable.

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