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Model A1225 / Mid 2007 and Early 2008 / 2.4, 2.8, or 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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So...where is the manual?

At the top of the page it says:

iMac Intel 24" EMC 2134 and 2211 Repair Manual

I have looked over the entire page, clicked on every link but I can't actually find the manual?

Am I blind or just thick?

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You're not thick. The plan is to have a wiki repair manual for every device that gets better over time. For this iMac, we have parts, questions / answers, a description page about the device, but no step-by-step guides yet.

It will always be the case that we have a varying amount of information depending on the device. We're trying to make clear exactly what we have (and what we still need!) with the sidebar beneath the photo of the device. Suggestions are always welcome on communicating this better.

If anyone is interested in writing step-by-step guides for repairing the 24" iMac, go right ahead!

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If I'm understanding correctly you're just looking for the manual for your computer.

Then it would either be the early 2008 one or the mid 2007 one

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I think he want the service manual not the user manual.


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I want to replace an optical drive in my imac 24' 2134, can I use the manual from 20' 2133? I mean does the layout of all the parts connectors the same with the screen?

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Mathew, it is probably better if you ask your own question. Right now, your question shows up as an answer to a really old question. Click on the link on the right side of this page "Ask a question" and give as much detail as possible. I bet you'll get your answer a lot quicker that way. Good Luck.


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replacing motherboard on mid 2007 imac

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cortiel, what is your question?


i am looking for a manual to replace the motherbordon my iMac 24" (mid 2007)

Thank you



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