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typing letter "eye" creates pop up menu with foreign characters

typing the letter that comes after H (eye) brings up pop up menu that has 6 foreign characters that we have to chose from. only does t with the "eye" key. the only way we get the actual letter "eye" s with autocorrected words.

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I commend you on how you over came the lack of the letter I (eye) in your write up ;-}


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OK lets checkout somethings here:

First go into your systems preferences Keyboard control panel. There check off Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar Then after saving your change you should see a Icon in the right hand side of the menu strip with an asterisk in it. Click on it to open the keyboard viewer press your keyboards I key does the key on the viewer light? Also try using your mouse to hit the viewers I Key, does the letter correctly show up in your text?

If the I key is correctly working here (just popping up the alternate key menu) then we need to check the Language & Region control panel. Make sure you have the correct language listed (remove any others). Then go into the Keyboard sub menu here and go to Input Sources (you can also get to this from the keyboard control panel I do it this way as it forces me to check the language setting) do you have the correct keyboard showing in the listing if you have others I would remove them. If you make any changes you will need to restart your system.

Also check Shortcuts sub menu as well to see if someone remapped something.

Is it fixed? Or if you noted the keyboard button didn't work correctly then you need a new keyboard. Let us know what you encounter if you still are having problems.

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î'm havîng the same îssue (î have to add a space (ît deletes the character/space prevîous to the letter when a specîal character îs chosen), press the eye button, then press 1 so there îs at least the letter somewhat.. =[ ). î trîed to do those optîons but none of them worked. Î opened the keyboard vîewer on screen and the keyboard shows the eye button îs constantly pressed down. =[

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In your case the keyboard switch is stuck. You'll need to pop the keycap of the key thats down and using a cotton swap that is slightly dampened with isopropyl alcohol clean the scissor mechanism and the keycap. Here is a good writeup on how to pop the keycap and how the scissor system works: Keyboard finder


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