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Released online on January 16, 2009, the Inspiron 1545 is a 15.6" budget PC laptop available with 3 or 4 GB of RAM. It succeeded the Inspiron 1525.

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My Lap is Warming.

My Laptop is warming more than average. In front, in touchpad screen.

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Выбранное решение

Stop using the laptop in this condition!

Check the air vents to see if air is blowing out air,

if not passages are clogged with lint and other stuff

A/. i recomend carefully taking it apart and cleaning it out

If they are clear then the heatsink assembly has failed.

R/. Download the service manual from "support.dell.com" by entering the service tag number of the laptop.

This will help you as to how to replace the heatsink assembly.

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1 Комментарий:

- Check the air vents...it's working ok

- If they are clear then the heatsink assembly has failed.... It's clear


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