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This Power Mac G4 has Mirrored Drive Doors.

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Using my PC to view the HD from old Mac, please help

A good friend asked me if we could get all of her music and saved files from this old Powermac G4 1914c and I figured it wouldn't be that difficult.

I plugged in the old edi HD into a Dell PC and couldn;t find the drive at first. Then downloaded Macdrive 9 with a 5 day free trial. Presto! I could view the files but I'm not finding much.

Now I'm not a mac user so it's probably my lack of knowledge but can you guys/gals point me in the right direction?

I looked throughout almost all files it seems and only found a few clusters of pics. There has to be more and I have not found any music. Looked in the obvious places and some but it seems like I'm not accessing everything....

Please help?

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Try using this on it. I had success with it last night.

Also, what version of windows are you using? if its vista or 7, go to 'Computer Management' and click on 'Disk Management'. This should allow you to view the partitions, even if it is unassigned.

Use the free version of EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard. http://www.easeus.com/datarecoverywizard...

The Mac format is not compatible with windows NTFS format.

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adam будет вечно благодарен.
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