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Model A1059 or A1099 / 20, 40, or 60 GB hard drive / touch sensitive click wheel

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Can Hard Drive cable connector be reattached to circuit board

Trying to change the battery on a A1099 Classic iPod (4th Gen) and the hard drive cable to circuit board connector disengaged.

Can this be reattached? There is no visible means of attachment so I fear all those little pins were soldered?

see photo

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redicliff, what you are looking at is the back of the cable with the connector torn off the logic board. Turn your cable around and you should see the connector. Yes, the connector is soldered to the board, not the cable. Hope this helps, good luck

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thanks for that response.

Yes, I understand the connector is "torn off the logic board".

Question is, " can it be resoldered". Seems unlikely.


With the right tools (microscope and micro solder) as well as the right skills, yes. If you have never done this, it might be easier to replace the whole board. Best of luck to you.


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redicliff будет вечно благодарен.
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