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Third generation of iPad with Wi-Fi, released on March 16, 2012. Model Number A1416. Repair requires heating and careful prying.

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Cleaning Glue Residue on LCD screen

After removing broken digitizer on iPad 3, I use a little bit of crazy glue on top of a new digitizer with sticky tape to enhance the holding power. It worked out great in terms of holding the digitizer down, but in the process of closing the cover, a bit of crazy glue got on the LCD screen and made a streak mark.

I went to the crazy glue site and only solvent can remove the crazy glue from glass is acetone (nail remover). I was wondering if any one knows if it is safe to use on LCD screen?



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joe, mineral oil or even margarine will dissolve crazy glue and should not harm your screen. Just apply it and rub the emulsion over the crazy glue area until the glue rolls off. It may take a few applications but should work. Just make sure it will not seep any where else. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Personally, I wouldn't use anything on the LCD but a microfiber cleaning cloth. I would be afraid acetone would be damaging to the LCD. If it is that bad, replacing the LCD will probably run you $80-$100.

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joe будет вечно благодарен.
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