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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

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New battery not working

I just put a new rechargeable battery in my Mac book. I charged for a good 24 hours and it turned on for about 2 minutes then went dead again. Charger green light barely visible. Altogether non responsive. Any ideas?

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Does it work with the AC power adapter? Was there any water damage to the machine?


No it does not work with the adaptor and there was no water damage


Have you tried plugging the old battery back in? Is this a brand new battery or somewhat used? Have you checked the contact points for the battery to ensure they were clean?


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Sometimes new batteries have been found to be bad right out of the box… especially the cheap Chinese ones from e-bay. Contact your vendor and ask for a replacement.

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