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The fourth Google Nexus smartphone, released November 13, 2012.

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Can I use Lepage Gel Epoxy Syring Glue to replace the glass?

I had dropped my phone and smashed and is unresponsive. I've looked everywhere for UV glue but no one has it and would take too long to get in off ebay or other internet sites. I was wonder if I could use this epoxy on it so that I can use it like it once was. I've done hours of research and saw not to use super glue and other products but couldn't find anything about it.

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nathan, I would definitely not recommend using any adhesive other than LOCA/OCA. The glue you are looking at will leave to much residue. You will not get a clean. clear bond between the LCD and the glass, plenty of bubbles and other issues will arise. Hope this helps, good luck.

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nathan будет вечно благодарен.
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