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Black screen but everything else is working fine.

Its been a while since i broke my phone but now im on a search to either fix it or replace it. Anyways the story is this. I dropped my phone and when i picked it up the screen was just black. turned it off then back on and came to a conclusion that the touch screen sound vibration and everything works on the phone but the screen is just blacked out. when i turn it on it goes green sometimes for a quick second but back to pure black. is there anyway i can fix this or should i cut my losses and just buy an old used phone? please help thank you :)

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Sounds like the LCD, which gives you the picture, is damaged. The easiest, but most expensive fix, is to replace the touchscreen assembly. That is the glass, digitizer and LCD assembly. It would be quite difficult to try and remove the glass and digitizer without breaking the glass. In essence, you will just be transferring the guts of the damaged assembly to the new assembly. Not difficult if you've been changing screens on phones.

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pablo будет вечно благодарен.
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