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The second iteration of Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet computers with a 7.0-inch screen. Model numbers: GT-P3105, GT-P3100, and GT-P3105.

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Why does my tablet intermittently charge?

Tablet intermittently charges, it ends up being powered down , plugged, in and I thought it was charging... but it wasn't. Then all of the sudden, it just wont charge, it goes from 100 to 25 in an hour. Suddenly it miracle charges to 100 percent. Then it leaks at 3 percent a minute. Geek squad gave me a big awnser. HELP!!!

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Sounds like a bad battery

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Same thing happen to me. Someone help.


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You will need to get the battery replaced


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usually on tabs when using data through GSM or 4G networks( surfing internet), or playing games battery drains faster.

however if your battery level drops so quickly and showing different values probably the issue is on your battery.

Replace the battery and it will be fine.

if you have warranty yet you can use it to get its replaced.

or you can buy a battery for a cheap price from the EBAY if you how to replace it.

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thatganuf будет вечно благодарен.
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