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iPhone 5 earpiece speaker quit working.

My earpiece speaker quit working. It went all at once - not intermittent. I didn't drop it. I replaced the speaker, but it's still not working. I did a hard reset on it. I plugged in the headphone jack a couple of times. I see that the speaker has spring contacts, but I didn't clean under them during replacement. I did plug my phone into the iPad charger the day before it quit working. Is my logic board toast? I will clean under the speaker contacts, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated before I buy a board - or worse a new phone. I'm only able to use it on speakerphone now. Thanks in advance.

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It could be that you need a camera/proximity flex as this powers the earpiece..

Just make sure the gold prongs are touching the gold contacts

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Just make sure the gold contacts are lined up if they are and it still doesn't work then try a new cable


I saw that the speaker gets its power from the camera, so I verified that the camera/proximity sensor are working. Could the cable still be the issue? I haven't taken it back apart yet.


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i am having the same issue, replaced the earpiece but think that if i change that cable it may be the problem. if i push hard on the back it works but not well.

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I replaced the front camera/proximity sensor cable and now I have sound in the earpiece! Thanks for helping.

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