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Is there any way to fix or replace bent/broken dishwasher door hinges?

I have a Maytag dishwasher. Today my son decided to be a chef. Needless to say when mama says 1 drop of water and shut the dishwasher... well a skillet with really hot oil, and a handful of water later...

Hot oil splashing, my sons quick retreat ended up with him sitting on the open door of my dishwasher.

Now I'm sure Ive got half of y'all thinking "that's what you get for leaving your kid in the kitchen..."

Well my "kid" is 19yrs old, and 205lbs. and fiercely independent, aka "leave me alone, Im not a kid..." In our situation not only can we not afford a new dishwasher, we cant afford for Dad to find out. Any ideas, suggestions, help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Sincerely, hand washing Mama. =)

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Carlita Barton, what model is your dishwasher?


MDBH969AWS1... Sorry, thought I included that


We looked up just replacing the door, but not only too expensive, but Im not sure if I can do the work myself, as all the electrical work. All my functions seem undamaged.I just ran a lil test though... no more water tight seal.... =(


Are the hinges bent or are they broken. A few pictures might be useful.


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Выбранное решение

Carlita Barton, the door hinges are available at places like this Not cheap:-( To replace the hinges, disconnect the door springs, remove the outer side trim on the door. There should be three Torx head screws on each side of the door frame. remove those. Pull hinge and bracket with studs out of weld bracket

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