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The eMac was an all-in-one G4-based Mac designed for the education market and released in April 2002. It was the last Mac to use a CRT display and was sold at a low price to schools and other institutions.

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installing leopard from external drive

My eMac's HD died and I had the HD replaced. the CD wasn't working originally (that's how the HD died, me trying to install Tiger remotely)

I tried to boot from my MacBook Pro as external drive to install Leopard in my eMac with the new HD and I can't. I get the bent arrow and the right arrow and nothing else when pressing ALT and rebooting. Any good ideas to make it happen??

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What version of eMac do you have? In particular what is the speed of your processor? Ralph


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Connecting via Target Mode as rab suggests will allow you to access the hard drive on the eMac via the MacBook. Unfortunately if you install a system this way it will be a system for the Intel processor on the MacBook Pro and will not run on the eMac. You need another Power PC processor machine. Connect them via a Firewire cable and start the eMac holding down the "T" key. Then use the optical drive in the other machine to install the system.

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+ Ralph


Good catch, my bad.


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Basically what you need to do is boot the eMac into FW mode, not the MacBook Pro. Then, use software such as SuperDuper to clone your internal drive to the eMac (appearing as an external)

Of course your install DVD should work just fine, what's wrong with it? If you describe that problem maybe we can fix it.

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The CD gave up a long time ago...I tried to fix it by running Disk Repair using my MacBook Pro and I killed the HD totally. A few months later I got it changed and today I am trying to install Leopard but the CD still does not work, I forgot to tell the technician to check it and I am back to square 1. On top of it, when I try to install Leopard by pressing Option I don't get the external drive option!!

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That's not how you go about doing it though.


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