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An easy to use home Espresso machine created by Saeco and rebranded for Starbucks. This machine is excellent for every day espresso drinkers and has an excellent build and product life.

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NEed a new portafilter

While trying to dissasemble my portafilter and re-attach the tiny two armed spring (thing) inside my portafilter, I re-attached the black part to re-screw and that dang little plastic piece the smaller metal spring attaches to broke.

Ergo... now I need a new portafilter. There's no way I'll be able to super glue this puppy back on. It's just way too small of a plastic piece :(


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You can buy a new one here: http://www.shop.partsguru.com/Saeco-Star... or here: http://www.buyphilipsparts.com/item/9704...

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Awesome! I very much appreciate the response :) cheers

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Ashley будет вечно благодарен.
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