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install disk was gone...need software!

My install disk was gone.

where can i find this software?(better online)

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If you call Apple and give them your model number and serial number they will sell you whatever was originally installed on your computer for about $15 a disk. (Usually there are only 1 or 2 disk) According to Mactracker in your case the would be Tiger (10.4). The highest operating system you can use is Leopard (10.5) but if you want that you should purchase a Retail copy. ( Don't use ebay as the sell a lot of machine specific software that might not work for you. Apple will sell you a Retail copy of 10.5.6 for $129 if you want to go that route but I would think you probably would be happy with Tiger and it needs fewer resources. Memory, etc.) If you must order online I will leave you a link to one company. Ralph


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Your choice should be between 10.4 and 10.5. Your computer will not run 10.6 Snow Leopard. Ralph


excellent +


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