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The Compaq Mini 110 is a lightweight portable laptop created by Hewlett Packard (Hp) as part of the mini series. This page provides repair information about the Compaq Mini 110, as well as helping users troubleshoot and fix issues with their device.

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My Compaq wont charge

My compaq mini wont charge. i dont know where the damage is. Charger or the Power?

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evan, start by checking the charger with a multimeter. Set the multimeter on DC voltage and check the barrel end on the adapter. You should show 19Volt on that end. If that is working, I would check the DC jack to make sure it is connecting properly. Next change the battery and see if a new battery charges. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Like oldturkey0 said,

Start by checking if you AC adapter is working well.

Did you current when you plug the AC adapter to your laptop? Can you use in electrical mode? It can be the charging circuit failiure if you ac adapter working well.

Let us know.

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