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Released in October 2003, the iBook G4 replaced the iBook G3 as Apple's portable consumer computer. The iBook G4 was sold in 12" and 14" models and updated for the last time in 2005.

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Forgot password had to rest with no disk now no Safari

I received this iBook G4 with a password lock with no disk. I was able to rest to factory by other sites. But now I have no safari or foxfire both in dock with question mark where icon should be at. I'm only able to use wifi but just goes to iTunes due to no safari.

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The question mark implies the App can't be found. Did you delete or move some files? If not I suspect your disk is failing.

Do you have an external drive which is able to boot up your G4 system? If you do try booting up with it. Make a backup of anything important, then try running Disk Utility on your systems drive to see if it can salvage it. Otherwise its' time for a new disk or system.

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I did not move or delete anything when it started back up that's how it was. I don't have another drive so is there anything I can do to recover it or do I have to get installation disk?


Sadly, yes you will need to get the recovery CD/DVD disks that came with the system. Give Apple a call to see if you can order it or look online for a copy of the retail version of Leopard. If you are near an Apple Store give them a try. Sometimes they still have images of the older OS's kicking around. The only rub here is you will need to bring in a recordable CD that is compatible with your system to make a bootable disk. If you can still find a FireWire external HD they might be able to make that bootable.


You may need a new HD here. How much are you willing to put into this system? Given it's age it maybe time to think of other options. It sounds like you are a web surfer and light word processing (email). Maybe an iPad would be a better fit for you.


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