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Model A1040 / 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 GB hard drive / four touch-sensitive LED backlit buttons above touch wheel

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My iPod is not showing any display,it fell down from my hand.

my ipod 3rd gen is not turning on from the day it fell down from my hand. i want to know which part of ipod do i need to replace. is it screen or something else? please help me out

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Sahil3113 Sairam, is it still being recognized by your computer. I would suggest that you disassemble it using these guides. Take a look at the battery (while you are at it, replace the battery just to make sure). Check to see if all ribbon cables are connected. Look for broken components on the logic board. Even if the display would be broken, the iPod should still come on. Also, check to make sure the hard drive is properly connected. Let us know what you find. Hope this helps, good luck.

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