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Nintendo's first 3DS handheld device released February 2011, identified by model number CTR-001.

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Can I fix water damaged 3DS?

My sister dropped her 3DS in the toilet and after a few days spent in rice I decided to try turning it on. It charges fine but the power button doesn't work all the time, both screens have water marks on it and either the joypad or the D-pad is stuck to constantly scroll right, making it hard to play games. It functions fine on the main screen apart from the right direction being stuck and the power button only working occasionally.

Is there anything I can do to fix it or is it destined for the bin?

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My little brother was using his 3Ds outside before he went to play football, he left it on the car and went to play, unfortunately, it began to rain and he went inside forgetting his 3Ds outside. He remembered it just as the rain subsided. It was extremely wet, he put it in rice though, but when we tried to switch it on, it only showed blank. He really misses his 3DS. Please Help!!!


mine got completely wet cuz of a &&^&^$^ storm pls halp i really miss my 2ds


My sister dropped her 3DS in a lake and was very upset, I looked for it for about 20 minutes until I luckily found it. It was flashing a red light and wouldn’t turn on. I put it in a bag of rice and tried to charge it. Two days later it still won’t turn on. Do I wait more or should I bring the 3DS to gamestop and get it repaired?


Hey cooper you know it’s toast by now the circuit board is fried beyond repair just buy a new one it’s the only way


I dropped my 3DS in the bath and it turns on and works for about 30 seconds before giving me the 3DS error message and I don't know what to do, do get a new one or try and fix it?


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The best chance you have to fix this is to take it apart and clean it. I use 91% Isopropyl Alcohol and a toothbrush. I also have a small spray bottle that I use to spray on the motherboard then scrub it gently with a toothbrush. You want to remove any corrosion that has taken place. This will also help to prevent further corrosion.

The first thing that needs to be cleaned is the motherboard. After you clean it you need to let it dry for a while. I put mine on the window sill and let them dry in the sun for a couple hours. After it's dry, re install it and see what happens. This will give you a better idea of what else may need to be done.

Doing all of this may or may not help. I have not had a lot of success cleaning water damaged 3DS motherboards, but I have fixed some that way. Since yours still turns on you have a better chance of fixing it using this method.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions or need further help.

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this also happened to me :( idk how to fix my 3ds, the touch screen isn’t working properly and the buttons aren’t either.

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I was drinking water and the cup fell while I was playing on my 3DS so what I did was put my 3DS in a towel and left it for a couple days and yeah I cried like a baby for 2 hours straight3 days later I put it on and everything works fine I just got really lucky

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I spilled a cup of water on mine and the touch screen is a little screwed up now 😭😭😭 wish I had your luck rn


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Mine was in the sane bag as a water bottle I was told it would not open it can go but then goes off fully charged

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once my sister droped her phone in the pool then we put it in rice then we waited a couple minutes then there was rice inside the phone but we took it out it started working try putting it in rice for a couple minutes or so....

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Putting it in rice will do absolutely nothing...except make the problem worse because rather than taking the battery and motherboard out and cleaning the motherboard you'll be letting the liquid sit inside the device...corroding everything.


Rice does nothing to fix water damage, if any electronic device has come in contact with liquid the best thing to do is take it apart and clean any corrosion of the board/boards with isopropyl alcohol. https://youtu.be/yPeITOz2_YM


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put in rice inside the 3ds and give it maybe a week.

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Putting it in rice will do absolutely nothing...except make the problem worse because rather than taking the battery and motherboard out and cleaning the motherboard you'll be letting the liquid sit inside the device...corroding everything.


Rice does nothing to fix water damage, if any electronic device has come in contact with liquid the best thing to do is take it apart and clean any corrosion of the board/boards with isopropyl alcohol. https://youtu.be/yPeITOz2_YM


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