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PC laptop by Dell with a 15.4" display. Succeeded the Inspiron 1520.

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Screen goes black with while stripes on start up

When I start my Dell inspiron laptop, it shows black screen with while lines. I tried pressing F8 and F12 on start up but nothing displays on screen. The screen remains black and i can't even see Dell logo screen.

Kindly advise on the same.

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Sachin, connect an external monitor and see if that works. If the external does work, then you at least know that your GPU is okay. If it is not, then you are having problems with the video circuitry on your logic board. A possible reball or reflow of the GPU may work. If the external monitor displays appropriately, you do want to check the wiring to your LCD. Also, run a test on the LCD and move the lid during the test to see if it occurs during the test as well. To test the LCD press and hold down the D key and then press and release the Power button. Once done release the D key as well. This will begin a test on the LCD. In case the issue does not occur during the test, it will mean it’s a software issue. If it does, replace the LCD. Hope this helps, good luck

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