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Released in November 2013, this model of the HP 2000 series is the perfect device for those on a budget, but don't want to sacrifice performance.

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Can water spillage be fixed?

My wife spilled water on our new HP 2000-2d22DX. I let it dry out for 2 days and it turns on but the screen is black and then like 10 seconds later it turns itself off. Can this be fixed or is it a lost cause?

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It could possibly be repaired... but it is a lot of work. You may have only blown a fuse... you may have blown the logic board. Without skilled examination no one can say for certain.

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You could take it to a computer repair shop for an estimate of what's wrong, and what it will cost to repair. Depending on what the technicians say is damaged you may be able to DIY.

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Will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestions.


Do you know where I can find a repair manual for the HP2000. I don't know where the fuse or the logic board are? Thanks again for the suggestions.


Sorry no source for a manual... try Google. Jamie - For future reference you posted a Comment in the place where only Answers belong. Please use the add comment link to the appropriate Answer, or, update your Original Question.


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