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1.83 GHz Core Duo or 1.83, 2, or 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo A1208 (EMC 2104/2110/2114/2124)

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After turning the iMac on, all I see is blue.

After the power went off one night I tried restarting the computer the next day and it went smoothly past the first part where you see the apple but right afterwards it came to a blue screen and that's how it stays.

I've tried turning it off and turning it back on but that didn't work. I also tried leaving it for a few hours but all it did was flicker to a light blue then a faded blue.

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Sounds like it corrupted the system software. Try holding down the Shift key on start up. Next startup from your original system installation disk, hold the C key down. Run Disk Utilities on the hard drive and repair it then give it a try and let us know your results.

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It worked!

Thank you so so so much!!


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