SOLUTION: Samsung Galaxy S4 no audio sound during phone call.
For me it was a bad SIM Card Reader or Module IF. But it could be a bad SIM card so try a new SIM card before doing this repair or at least take it out and in.
My Service Repair Statement said it replaced two things:
Part Number Description
GH59-13279A Unit-SIM SD SOCKET; SGH-I377, 10-0013-0278
GH59-13111A MODULE-IF SUB FPCB(SGH-I337);SGH-I337,10
Called 800-726-7864 told them what the symptoms were and that the support line said it was the SIM Card Reader and they gave me a quote of $70.36 and seemed confident that the phone would be fixed. Sent to Samsung Repair Facility in Texas, total cost $70.36, and was without it for 9 days. It’s been working for 2 weeks now with no problems.
First I took it to an AT&T Service Center and all they really did was try a new SIM Card, next called Samsung Service 888-987-4357 and went thru a series of tests and they said it was a bad SIM card reader and gave me the repair center number.
No audio / sound during a phone call on either side (caller or receiver)
Call connects everything is working, just no sound.
Sound for all other functions and apps works (music, voice recording, video audio).
You can tell it is going to happen when you make a call and you don’t hear any ringing just a click sound then nothing. If you hear ringing then the call will work.
Rebooting usual works for a call or two. Messing with some settings may get it to work for a period of time. But for me none of any of the other suggested fixes worked except rebooting and turning airplane mode on and off but it only fixed it for awhile.
I have used the phone for 1.5 years and never had a single hardware problem, didn’t have it heavily loaded (RAM or Memory). It just started one day out of the blue and drove me crazy.
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42 Комментариев
Be sure your cover is not blocking the microphone on the bottom edge. That is a different microphone than the speaker phone mode or OK Google. That was my problem. I was puzzled for hours and then removed the cover. The phone worked fine. I then put a small hole in the cover [LifeProof] and it works fine. Good luck.
из George Slicz
i changed my entire google account and backed up nothing besides my contacts to my sim card. it has been working thank god!! i believe it might have been an app that might have done something to the audio or a virus. but its been working now way longer than it has! yea im super happy be careful what u are downloading from the app store. hope this works!!
из elise
A friend of mine had to delete facebook messenger, and after that it was fixed!
из stefanblomberg
I had this problem too! Drove me crazy!! I tried everything and finally figured it out! :D It was a Bad SIM card reader. I found out that this model is notorious for it to go out at some point. You can have someone fix it for you berween $30.00 to $90.00 or fix it yourself for $6.99 to $15.00. Because no one had the part in stock I chose to order off the internet and watch a YouTube video and Walla!!! It worked! I am wishing you and others the same result! :D
из richnjeri
I tried all these fixes pretty much.. But what worked for me was I found the little pin hole at bottom of phone by charging port. When I had the phone apart for a sync port replacement, I took the outer plastic shell that was attached to the screen and where the mic hole was I blew air into it really hard with my mouth to clear and dust and debris. Also you will find attached to this outer plastic phone ring a black rubber gasket or something like that and if you have a needle it has a square little black flap that you can move. This covers the mic on the daughterboard. I also tried cleaning gently with a cue tip but ended up breaking this little flap off which I believe is only to block water from entering the mic on the board. Anyways I couldn't take pics as I was repairing my phone but now my voice is not muffled or garbled when someone on the other end of the call is listening, worked like a charm. The person on the other end can hear me clearly now. Hope this helps sorry if I didn't explain it too well.
из shaggydog555
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