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change the motherboard in iMac g5

It is possible to exchange the motherboard in my iMac G5 17" to a iMac Core 2 Duo 17"?

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I'm not sure if it makes much sense here.

If I remember correctly, the Core Duo logic board of the next in the iMac series was interchangeable with the iMac G5 series but that was it. So you would have a 32bit logic board not a 64bit based system (Core 2 Duo or i3/i5/i7) so your option of what OS or apps that will run on this system will be limited. Also, the amount of RAM memory is also be limited here.

Given the costs, the risks and limits of the system I think it would be wiser putting your money into a newer i5/i7 system (even used).

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Thanks for the answer.

I just have in stock and J5 on the motherboard Core Duo, so wanted to know it makes sense to experiment or not.


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