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2.26 or 2.4 GHz / White plastic unibody enclosure

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chime, white screen, no logo or spinner

I have replaced the DC input board, charged battery for 4 hours. When i power up i get the chime and white screen but no apple logo or the spinner. After a minute or so i have hit the caps lock key and it lights up. Also at start up the fan comes on and the cd/dvd spins. I can shut it off with the normal holding down power on button for 5 sec. Any Clues, i have double checked the screen connector several times. Thanks

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Have you tried a safe boot? Check your HD. To do this try a different boot source (Optical disk or target booted mac running the same OS).

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I am not sure as how to do a safe boot, not to mac savy yet. I had a backup drive that i installed and same problem. Forgot to mention that i also have sound when i hit the volume keys.


A safe boot is pretty easy: Press the power button, then hold down the SHIFT key as soon as you hear the startup chime, until you get the Apple logo and scrolling wheel. A safe boot starts the OS with all the extras shut off, which is useful when you're troubleshooting a problem. If the problem goes away when you've shut off the extra bells and whistles, then something in the bells and whistles is the source of the trouble. Safe boot also forces as Disk Utility check of the boot drive, which you can usually only do when booted from a second drive. This is similar to an Error Checking boot in Windows.


I tried to boot both drives externally, still get just the white screen. I tried booth drives externally to the other macbook and i can see both drives. I believe either the display cable or motherboard is the problem. i am going to try hooking up an external display to see what happens.


As long as you have the drive out of the MB and can mount it on the other computer as an external drive, try using Disk Utility on the second computer to repair the external drive - both the drive mechanism itself, and the volume on the drive. The indented name you recognize from the desktop icon is the logical volume: the OSX-formatted environment the computer communicates with. The Seagate/Toshiba/Samsung/WD+alphanumeric name above it is the physical drive on which the logical volume lives. Disk Utility repairs different things depending on which one you select, so it's a good idea to repair both when you can.


I tried an external monitor on the minidisplay port, although it did not come up with the Main Screen it did come up with the extended screen mode. So.....what would you surmise is the problem? Display cable or logic board, i do have the backlit screen, i dimmed it down and tried the flashlight trick but do not see anything. Also is there a keystroke to put the minidisplay port in Mirror mode? Thanks for your expertise on this subject, also how do i mark Answer Accepted?


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The problem isn't power (at least, not any more); it's that the computer doesn't see an operating system to start from, possibly because it can't see the hard drive. Open the computer up again, and check to be sure that the hard drive is securely connected to the hard drive cable, and the hard drive cable securely connected to the logic board socket.

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MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Hard Drive Cable Replacement

If that doesn't work, remove the hard drive and attach it to the computer with a USB interface. Can you boot off the drive that way?

SATA Optical Drive USB Cable

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If you can boot off the internal drive when it's run externally, then the problem is the interface between the hard drive and the logic board. If the cable connector on the logic board is OK, you can try replacing the hard drive cable.

MacBook Unibody (Model No. A1342) Hard Drive Cable

You can also test bootability with an optical disk (Snow Leopard or later, for your model), or a flash drive with 10.6-10.9 on it. If you boot from an external drive and can see your HD (either in the finder or in Disk Utility), you can try repairing it with Disk Utility.

SATA Optical Drive USB Cable Изображение


SATA Optical Drive USB Cable


MacBook Unibody (A1342) Hard Drive Cable Изображение


MacBook Unibody (A1342) Hard Drive Cable


MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Hard Drive Изображение


MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Hard Drive Replacement



10 - 30 minutes

MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Hard Drive Cable Изображение


MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Hard Drive Cable Replacement



10 - 40 minutes

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I will disconnect the internal drive and try the backup drive on USB. Will give it a whirl in the morning.

Thank you both for answering, i do appreciate your wisdom.


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Same problem here, BUT it works on an external monitor. Any other suggestions?

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