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Updated Apple TV with second generation A5 processor / Released March 7, 2012

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AppleTV Remote water damage

Apple TV is great for use in bedroom, until you loose the remote in the sheets and wash it. My remote recently went through a full wash cycle. Found it before putting into the dryer and immediately wiped down and then let rest upside-down and covered in rice for a day. Next day, cleaned the battery area a bit, put in a new battery, and it seemed to work okay for about a day.

Noticed the select button starting to not work (had to really press hard to get any function) but the menu and play buttons worked fine. 48 hours later, the remote is completely dead. Is there a way to fix this? Could not find a teardown or guide for any Apple Remote.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Good but what Vodka are they using?


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Forget the vodka. Use isopropyl alcohol.

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'Our toddler decided the Apple TV remote would make a good fish tank decoration so after fishing the remote out which had been submerged in water for over 10 mins shook all the water out dried off the remote placed in a zip lock bag of rice removed as much air as possible and let sit 24hrs then plugged the remote in to charge! Works as good as new!

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buy a fire stick for same price as a new apple remote unless u like the crap programs apple tv actually has.

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