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dropped in cup of water

Phone dropped in about 5 ins water, removed quickly shook water off. Removed battery, SIM card and dried all of these and inside. Little water inside. Use cool blow dryer and tried charging phone. It made some sounds screen stays black and then blinking and I read putting it into dry rice for 24 hrs. And will try again in the morning to see if it works. Only had phone one month.

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Catherine, anytime any device gets exposed to water (or other liquids), it will have to be cleaned. The problem by not cleaning it, is corrosion and short circuiting components. The very first thing you want to do is to no longer use, charge, or try to turn your phone on. Then you need to totally disassemble your phone. For that I would use this video Once you have it disassembled, you do want to clean the logic board. For that part of the job, follow this guide. Depending on the amount of corrosion, you may have to do it a few times. Take your time and be diligent about cleaning it. Check the board for any missing or damaged components. Do not forget to clean all the connectors as well as the USB port. Once you have it cleaned, replace the battery and then re-evaluate for any damage and repair those one at a time. Hope this helps, good luck.

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