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Repair guides and support for external portable storage by Western Digital including the My Book series, My Passport and others.

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Unable to read and recognise WD Elements External HD?

I have a Western Digital Elements SE Portable External Hard Drive (WDBABV7500BK). I run a Macbook Pro 2010, I am having problems getting my external drive to show up on my laptop.

When I plug it in, it is not recognised. Also unable to find it in disk utilities. I have also tried using another cord.

Is it possible to reformat the hard drive? The existing data is not important.


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Have you tried using a Self-powered USB hub - often USB drives can suck a lot of power, even overloading a port to the point where it is powered off until restart.

Is that a USB or a Firewire, case?

What brand case - and of course other peripherals in that port work, and the drive works on a desktop?

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