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The HTC Droid DNA is an Android-based, 4G LTE-capable smartphone designed and developed by HTC.

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Is it possable to replace my screen at home?

Been thinking of replacing my broken screen, found a few kits for my droid DNA and would like to know how tricky it is to DIY, or if its worth it to send it off and have it done. Any advice would be appreciated. Thx.

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It is definitely possible to replace your screen by yourself, you will just need a few tools that can be found around your house. We are in the process of creating a guide to instruct on how to remove and replace your screen, but in the mean time here is a video that takes you step by step through replacing your HTC Droid DNA Screen.


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Keep in mind that it is a bit difficult to remove that screen and it will void your warranty, but it is definitely doable.


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billwill будет вечно благодарен.
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