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Third generation of iPad, featuring 4G capabilities, released on March 16, 2012. Model number A1430. Repairs require heat and careful prying.

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Will not lock on to wifi signal

when using my ipad 3 it will not hold a lock on wifi signal, and i am only sitting 3 feet away from the wifi unit, at time s it says can not find signal from sender yet my pc has no such problem, any ideas

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I have had this problem with my IPhone. There would be times where the WiFi signal would cut in and out of my Cellular Network. Here are some tips! If it doesn't work proceed to the next one..

1) Try turning on Airplane mode and activating the WiFi.

2) Reset Your Router.

3) Reset your Ipad.

4) Fully Charge and Keep Ipad plugged in and try Steps 1 and 3 again.

5) If all fails give apple a call, their tech support should help. And if necessary they'll set up an appointment for you with the closets apple store near you for hands on help!

Hope everything works out!

Happy Holiday's!!

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thomas cale будет вечно благодарен.
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