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Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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No video on the internal screen.

I have a 2010 21.5" iMac that does not work with the internal LCD. I have replaced the logic board, display, display cable and the LED driver board. the internal display still will not work. Could the graphics card be bad and still work with an external display? Could it be the power supply? Everything else works on it except the internal display, no backlighting or anything. Thank you

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NO if the CPU/VGC is bad there is no video externally. In fact one of the DIY test to see if a blank display problem is GPU/VGC or logic board is to use an external monitor.

Cables, connectors, or the display itself could cause an internal display problem. Seeing as you've replaced everything else it's narrowing down to the cables (connections) or the display.

Go over your video/data cable connections again. Many times people come here sure that they've reassembled their project correctly but on a second examination have found an improper, lose or damaged connector.

IF all the connectors are right examine the cables for tension (that could pull a connector lose at reassembly - do not reroute cables from original paths- if they were secured with tape or sticky pads that was done for a reason, replace them) or cuts/nicks. If those possibilities are removed all you're left with is a damaged display.

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