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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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Swap SSD between MB Air Mid-2013 with MB Pro Retina Mid-2014?

I have a MacBook Air Mid-2013 (MacBookAir6,2 A1466) SSD with a 256GB SSD and also a MacBook Pro Retina 13" Mid-2014 (MacBookPro11,1 A1502) with 128GB SSD.

I'd like to swap the two SSDs between the two machines. Apparently both machines have the newer PCIe-based SSDs and not the older SATA ones. Does this mean they are compatible (both form factor and interface/protocol)?

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Okay, I finally got my Pentalobe screwdriver kit and was able to get into both of the machines.

The 128GB SSD was made by SanDisk and the 256 GB was made by Samsung. The connector and form factors look identical and I was able to make the swap without any physical problems. Both machines booted up with existing install of Yosemite operating system from the other machine, but I ended up wiping and reinstalling anyway just to be sure. So far there are no problems with the swap as far as I can tell.

TL;DR: Yes, PCIe SSD's from MacBook Air Mid-2013+ can be swapped with MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2014. (Not sure when the retina started using PCIe)


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I see no reason not to try. Both are new enough not to have the older SATA interface as you already know.

While I know Apple has updated the SSD firmware a few times and has at least two sources for the part it will either work or not. If it does please let us know!

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