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Model A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 Processor, ID iMac13,2

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Late 2012 Glass Cracked

I have a late 2012 27" iMac 2.9 ghz seems i cracked the glass while moving doesn't really affect the display in view things but some of the cracks are noticeable and so forth, is it possible to replace JUST the glass and not the glass/lcd combo?

I found http://www.amazon.com/Intel-iMac-Front-G...

and i'm guessing need the sucker things, and thats it?

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Great information - BUT - Amazingly, no one here has given a clue where to find a replacement. This glass screen, not being an official Apple part is, so far, impossible to find. So, for those that have succeeded in removing just the glass, where did you find a replacement?


I found the glass you are looking for on ebay and Amazon


11/11/2019 KEVIN COVINGTON - Is An Idiot! I know because its ME! LOL! Here's what I learned after many a log-on-journey. MY MODEL the "Late 2012", and I'm sure the prior Macs, DO NOT HAVE REPLACEMENT GLASS. And, the display is attached to the Mac's glass. One member, "KillerTruth186" has posted some pics of his process. But I am unclear if it was successful or not. The last pic he posted, appears to be his badly damaged display. ALSO November of 2019, I was informed by Apple the display replacement is $600. UPDATE: This model iMac is considered "OBSOLETE" by Apple and they no longer carry the display part. ALL MACS MANUFACTURED AFTER LATE 2012 ARE DESIGNED TO BE EASILY REPAIRED NOW, AND ONLY THE GLASS NEED REPLACING IF CRACKED. You can locate the entire display used at many websites. as for me? MAC MINI with a 70" wall-mounted monitor for my recording studio. HOPE THIS HELPED. (looks like I'm late to the party) KEVIN COVINGTON


The removal is successful. But I had ended up breaking the damaged display. One of the paper like tabs is the original broken part. I had damaged the glass part of the monitor during the removal. Also I had ended up trying to pry off the wrong glass, which it lead to chipping the glass display (front glass).

And yes, I did sliced my finger. Trying to separate the monitor and the glass panel. Also I had gotten the replacement monitor cheaply.


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Выбранное решение

Ouch! Sadly this series uses a bonded cover glass so you can't replace it and the P/N you do have is for the '09 series and won't fit your system.

  • The part you need is: Display Panel, LCD 661-7169

The best price I could find is around $650 US used.

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I actually manage to take the display off the glass (at the time that I had comment), but it is very risky and you can end up damage the display, glass panel and or cut yourself in the process. because the main display that you see through is made out of thin and glass like panel (very sharp!). And it is heavily recommended that you get a ful display assembly instead. Because once you destroy the glass display it is recycled trash. And here's the aftermath of myself trying to separate it. Edit: I had forgot to show more detail in it. And the adhesive surrounding the glass panel is what keeps from the panel from falling out. The adhesive that surrounds the glass bezels are for the universal body of the iMac. I would say that this is for every iMac from this year and newer, but I can only confirm this particular make and model.

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I had forgot to mention about this, both the glass display and the glass front is held by glue that is designed to hold together a camera lenses. You have to be very careful of prying apart, otherwise you will shatter the glass display like I had shown.

There's some plastic bar that stretches from one side to another, which it is fragile as well. What I think it is also there to protect the display from getting dirty and or water damaged.

Replacing the glass panel (or glass front) does takes time and patience to replace without problem.

Like I had said before, it is a gamble and it doesn't guarantee you a working display for cheap. And it isn't as fast as getting a new display.


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Im having issues with my mac 2012 as well. (a1419) I have bought a lcd/glass front, but might not need it. Didn't cost as much as this though. If i don't need id be willing to sell it on, but it will be posting thats the killer. Only an offer, and sorry not sure if i will need myself yet.....hoping a friendly expert will answer my question and then maybe i don't need mine .....lets see (oh and its new not used)

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I need the glass replacement..Do you still have it?



I, too, need the glass replacement as my iMac 27" (2012) has a crack in the glass front. The LCD is fine. Do you still have the part? My email address is mrsandersclass@gmail.com.



And, if your screen is not available, where did you order yours? How much did it cost? Thanks for the info!



Just wanted to confirm whether it would work for late 2012 imac 27 inch,if yes then i really need to get hands on it . It would be great if you could quote the price


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I know that by this time most of you probably figured out the correct answer but Dan is correct you can't replace just the glass. You can probably manage to remove the front glass without damaging the screen, but where can you find a glass to bond it back together with the good LCD. I wish they sold this glass somewhere, but I have checked everywhere with no luck. If someone knows where to find it, please forward the information.

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My GUESS would be that a 27" glass is going to fit regardless. Check measurements of the entire frame on all four sides. Good luck with removing it. Look on Youtube for some comparison guidence.


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lol marked as spam, trying to link to the aliexpress part i found. thanks to dan for part number. you can find the part number on aliexpress. %#*@ they're so ridiculously expensive.

in case anybody else is going to sink some money to repair their imac 13,2; my hinge is also broken and apparently covered by apple or authorized repair shop: gotta give 'em some credit for that, nice. https://www.macworld.com/article/3145797...

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My laptop hinge back around 2003, was NOT covered. Apple had a HUGE problem with those hinges! The replacement hinge-kit was outrageous. (of course) HERES SOME SOLID ADVICE Its happen to me TWICE! Never buy a model right out the gate. I know most of us like to. However, give Apple some time to work the "New Car" problems. I know that is uncommon for Apple. But on both occasions. 1) The hinges on my 15" $2600, Titanium laptop,was a whopping $600 repair (one third of the %^& cost! 2) The cracked glass on my 2012b iMac is attached to the display. All Macs after 2012 the glass and display are separate parts. LESSON LEARNED $1224 in repairs for both - %$^&*!


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Anyone know how the lcd is “fused”? By what process or which material? Another silly stymie thrown at the repair industry. Definitely designed to toss and not fix, sadly.

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Remember the glass and dispay are one. Use YouTube as a reference to sperate the glass from the display. To directly answer your question, its just a rubber seal with a dab or two of adhesive. The Youtube videos demonstrate hot blow dryers and credit cards! WATCH A FEW OF THEM!!! They all have something to contribute.


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So about 3 years ago I decided to just live with the multiple cracks in the glass of my late 2012 iMac. The fact is that the glass and the LCD are one piece and not designed to be replaced separately

But it is also true that you can manage to remove the glass only and for a while there were a couple of examples of someone doing so on You Tube

Also about 4 years ago when I did my initial research you could in fact buy an aftermarket replacement glass for a late 2012 iMac. That product sat in my save for later file until eventually Amazon sent notice that the product was no longer available and it was removed

In my recent searches I can not find that replacement glass or any like it and for the life of me I cannot remember the seller

So it appears that parts of what everyone has posted is correct in some manner with the exception of someone being an idiot

The facts are the glass and the LCD are sold as one piece

Someone can carefully separate the glass from the LCD successfully

It appears that a glass only replacement for the late 2012 iMac is unattainable at this time

If anyone actually finds a replacement glass that works I would like to know as well

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It is possible to replace the just the front glass, it is however very hard to find without the led display attached. The guy Dan who replied is an idiot.

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Regarding that model, Dan is in fact correct.


Somebody here is definitely an idiot. BTW, it's not Dan.


The only real idiocy here is: If the part is removable, and Apple does not list it as a separate part, where did those of you who, by implication, have successfully removed just the glass, found a replacement - glass only?


When you yell idiot and then look in the mirror. That moment right there, is the moments where you are offered an opportunity to change your way of being and smarter in life. You take the correct road by accepting your mistake. I am speaking out of experience, it happened to me but I was like 8 years old.


WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS? CALL APPLE. They dont mind guiding you to resolve your issue, even when it's not a part-sale or replacing your entire Apple product. Thats how I finally got my answer after spending DAYS looking for answers to OUR problem.


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